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Bustle: 11 Books to Read After College

I know what you’re thinking…

I just got done reading an endless amount of text from a never-ending college degree.

Just slap yourself in the face, like right now. As Cher says to Nicolas Cage in Moonstruck, “Snap out of it!”. Good reading means good reads that you want to read. Did you get that mouthful? Good! Cheers!

collegebookmeme“Congratulations, recent graduate! Welcome to what people like to call “the real world,” a mysterious place full of unpaid internships, endless jokes about the bad economy, and plenty of pop culture targeted at those existential crises specific to your Millennial soul. Get ready to learn the art of non-obvious networking and cheap happy hours (KIDDING! You already know all about cheap happy hours), and don’t forget to cling to the people who seem like they could, at some point in the future, throw a scrap of freelance work your way.

And while you’re busy job-hunting or day-drinking or moving to the Big City or re-discovering a relationship with your siblings or paying off student loans or ALL OF THE ABOVE AT ONCE, you might as well crack open a book now and then to make sure your brain doesn’t deteriorate. Plus, the summer is stretching invitingly before you — and we both know you don’t have a real job yet.

Some of these books pinpoint that specific feeling of post-grad ennui; others provide fiery inspiration; and some are just really useful for navigating a post-grad life. They pair perfectly with a glass of Mom-made lemonade and a feeling of infinite possibility that’s occasionally tempered by a stabbing pain at how terrifying the world is. You’ll get through it. These books will help.”

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